Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Object Oriented Concepts (JAVA) - Class & Instantiation

Class & Instantiation
Class - A blue print , which models the abstraction by grouping similar objects

Object Oriented Concepts (JAVA) - An Object


An object represents an abstraction of the real-world by bundling to gather it’s state and behavior.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Object Oriented Concepts (JAVA) - Abstraction

Abstraction Requires …

Object Oriented Concepts (JAVA)


Abstraction is the process of simplifying and capturing only the relevant information for the situation 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Android Architecture - Linux VM

Application Processes executes on Linux VM

Android Architecture

Android Introduction

What is Android ?

Stack of software for mobile devices , which includes operating system, key applications and middle wear .
Android SDK supports developing applications for Android mobiles.